Here are the "experts" and their predicted years: As a baseline: us here on the DR say 2009. Individual Experts A. Bakthiari 2006-2007 M. Simmons 2007-2009 C. Skrebowski 2007-2010 K. Deffeyes 2005-2009 J. Laherrère 2010-2020 P. Odell 2060 B. Pickens 2005-2007 M. Lynch After 2030 C. Campbell 2010 S. Al-Husseini 2015 J. Gilbert 2010 T. Petrie Before 2010 Analyst Firms & Energy Advisory Organizations IHS Energy* 2011-2020 Douglas Westwood 2010-2020 Energy Files 2010-2020 PFC Energy 2014-2025 Energy advisory organisations World Energy Council After 2020 Energy Research Center Netherlands 2010-2035 CERA After 2020 ASPO 2010 IEA deferred investment scenario Around 2020 IEA high resource case After 2030 Oil Companies CNOOC 2005-2010 Total 2020-2025 Shell After 2025 Exxon-Mobil After 2030 Governments Dutch Government (IEA HI copy) After 2030 French Government 2020-2030 Others Volvo 2010-2015 Ford 2005-2010