tnx keads usdx by 70 days approx$TNX&p=D&yr=1&mn=0&dy=0&id=p11017549967 This is Kevin's Pasternack at StockCharts explanation of the chart. This was written at the end of MAY. "I could have chosen fancy colors and all kinds of indicators which would clutter the chart, but instead I'd like to demonstrate the power of with this simple looking but VERY informative chart.. One of the strengths of is the ability to compare different markets to uncover hidden intermarket relationships.. In this example I've noticed that for the past year, bond yields tend to lead the US dollar by about 70 days...So I offset the the yield chart 70 days into the future and overlayed it ontop of the dollar chart revealing this amazing relationship... I use this technique to find relationships in many other markets as well.... I created the chart by doing the following: On the top chart type in the symbol $tnx...Then below the chart where it says PERIODS, select DAILY.. Where it says RANGE select PREDEFINED RANGE..To the right of that select 1 YEAR...Where it says extra bars select 70. Where it says "TYPE" select invisible.. Now where it says overlay, select Simple moving average...To the right where it says parameters, select 1, 70..... This will create an average which will trace the closes of the $tnx chart and offset it 70 days into the future.. Next where it says indicators, select price...type in $usd where it says parameters, then for the position select behind price...and there you have it.. A simple chart that is easy to read and provides a possible roadmap for where this particualr market might go if the relationship holds up.. Right now that charts suggests that the $USD should have an upward bias going into August.. Notice how that past turning points lined up well with the offset $TNX chart.. Keep in mind these turning points were known 70 days in advance!"