AbsoluteFTP(R) 1.8 (Official) -- July 24, 2000 Copyright (C) 1995-2000 by Van Dyke Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. This file contains an AbsoluteFTP product history. It includes lists of new features, changes, and bug fixes sorted by release. For a product description, installation notes, registration and contact information, please refer to Readme.txt (downloaded with this installation). Changes in AbsoluteFTP 1.8 (Official) ------------------------------------- Bug fixes: - The month of February could be misinterpreted for file dates returned from French language FTP servers - Closing the application window while a file operation dialog was active could cause a GPF Changes in AbsoluteFTP 1.8 (beta 3) ----------------------------------- New features: - Added a "Verify file status on retrieve" check box option to the FTP page of the Global Configuration and Session Configuration dialogs to allow the status of a file to be updated before retrieving it from the FTP server Bug fixes: - Change directory operations would not revert to the previous directory when the operation failed - Too many error messages would display when a change directory operation failed in the local window and the previous directory was invalid - An invalid server prompt would appear in the proxy password dialog for SOCKS 5 authentication - The month of December could be misinterpreted for file dates returned from French language FTP servers - Some file status operations performed during transfer could return the wrong file size when the FTP server incorrectly returned an entire directory listing - The "Resume" button could be enabled on the Confirm Overwrite dialog when a resume operation was not actually possible - A session window could fail to display the system menu and control buttons when opening a session that was previously in the maximized state Changes in AbsoluteFTP 1.8 (beta 2) ----------------------------------- Bug fixes: - File system folders could not be deleted under Windows 2000 - The details for file system folders would not be displayed under Windows 2000 - ID numbers would appear in the title bar for some items (e.g., My Computer) rather than the item name under Windows 2000 - The log window height could reset back to the default height when opening a session window - Open and Download operations would store temporary files in the current directory rather than the cache directory - Manual Upload transfers would use the current directory rather than the specified directory - Directory listings from Hummingbird Communications FTP servers would not appear when using MSDOS OS type - Some directory listings from UNIX FTP servers would not appear when the day preceded the month in the file date - Icons that have a height equal to twice the width would not display for file types that used them - An unusable symbolic link could appear in the tree view after changing to a subdirectory and the PWD command failed Changes in AbsoluteFTP 1.8 (beta 1) ----------------------------------- New features: - Connect dialog allows user-defined ordering of sessions in addition to alphabetical sorting - The tree view for both local and session windows can be turned on and off from the Global Configuration dialog View page and from the View menu - The session window log view can be turned on and off from the Global Configuration dialog View page and from the View menu - Added ability to automatically disable the directory tree for FTP server sessions where the operating system type is not recognized - Added Global and Session Configuration options to disable the directory tree manually - Connect dialog supports import of CuteFTP 4.0 session database files Changes: - Changed View menu "Dot Files" command to affect only the active window and to not change the global configuration option value - Global Configuration Firewall page allows blank username and password - Changed Session Configuration dialog to disable unavailable options when the session being edited is currently connected - Changed behavior of operations that use CWD to avoid sending PWD afterward where possible Bug fixes: - Remote path fields would revert back to initial values after browsing for a local path in the Manual Upload and Manual Download dialogs - An incorrect number of bytes transferred could be displayed for connections with large buffers - Filename case was not imported correctly for CuteFTP 2.0 - The "Session Database Location" browser dialog was modeless - Accessing the File menu could cause an infinite loop of "Failed to create root key" messages when the session database was corrupt or missing - Informational indicators (column 0) of the log would always show "<" for transfer window output - The upload and download toolbar buttons were not enabled correctly on the synchronize window in Download Only mode