The charts are fairly self explanatory, and simply show the actual prices plus show two additional lines; one for the price corrected by CPI and the other corrected by CPI + lies.
See additional text on the other page with linear charts. Note that the only difference between the two pages are that the data is represented as log values.
Almost 90% of the Dow's gain since 1963 is inflation.
Same, but going back to 1900
Over 80% of the Dow's gain since 1900 is inflation.
Click here for a similar picture since 1963 for the S&P 500
Dow stock index, total return including dividends
The average compounded total return per year through 2007 is about 6.5%. When corrected by CPI, it's about 3.4%... and with full with CPI+lies corrections included, its about 2.8%. In other words, almost 60% of the total return is inflation only... and that's before fees, commissions and taxes.
U.S. median new home prices
US Federal government spending
US Federal government receipts (taxes)
Personal consumption & expenditures (PCE)
Expenditures only
Total U.S. Household net worth
Source: Z1 publication
U.S. individual net worth
Derived from above chart by dividing by average individuals per household.