Weather, Sun Activity & Earthquakes

National Warnings Interactive Weather Information Network Medium Range Forecasts (3-7 days)
Medium Range Forecasts (6-10 days) Precipitation Probabilities - 12 hours Precipitation Probabilities - 24 hours
Medium Range Forecasts (8-14 days) Long Range Forecasts (30 day) Long Range Forecasts (90 day)
Heat Index Outlook (6-10 days) Long Range Seasonal Climate Anomalies Hazards Assessment
Very long term - Professor Wheeler Global Drought monitor National weather - home
Solar conditions
Current Solar Data (from NOAA) Solar X-ray strength:  
Current Solar Data (from spacecraft) Geomagnetic field strength:   
Sea Ice
Global sea ice, 1979 to current Sea ice - Total, Arctic & Antarctic Daily sea ice
California Snow Water Content
Big quakes, worldwide Real-time Forecast of Earthquakes (24 Hour - California) Latest quakes - World
Latest quakes - California & Nevada Latest quakes - U.S. World Seismic Monitor
NOAA (National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration) NOAA - Tropical areas Tropical weather conditions
Caribbean satellite image - visible Caribbean satellite image - infrared US tornadoes

Sickness, epidemic, global incidents, US Radar

Global Incident Map Sickness, epidemic tracker Disaster and Emergency AlertMap, worldwide and regional
Weekly US Map: Influenza Summary Update National Weather Service Enhanced Radar Image Loop

3 day precipitation
5 day precipitation
8-14 day precipitation
30 day precipitation
Long range precipitation
U.S. Drought Monitor
Drought, seasonal outlook
6-10 day temperature
8-14 day temperature
30 day temperature
Long range temperature

Long term solar activity


Earthquake activity

South America

Space weather alerts & warnings. misc.

Alerts timeline
Warnings timeline
Weather Modification Operations and Research Board, a U.S. law

Long term 70-120 year cycles, based on research by Professor Wheeler

Weather type Approx. period Characteristics (relative, not absolute) Aspects during transition into Exceptions
Cold-Dry (winter) 1960-1975 Great leaders, aggressive and independent,civil wars,anarchy, general individualism, more earthquakes & volcanoes. Increased storminess & birthrate, improved general health and mental vigor, migration tendency of the populace to rural areas, economic prosperity. Good international trade, and other forms of intercultural exchange. ---- The cold phases of the 100-year weather cycle are interrupted by a temperature rise during the sunspot maximum.
Warm-Wet (spring) 1978-2000 Nationalism, wars, highest energy, low decadence, good prosperity, imperialism, individual less important. Learning, genius, good crops, golden ages. If there's a cold period and sunspot cycle high during this period, civil wars are likely to occur.
Warm-Dry (summer) 1996-2025 Nationalism, wars, despotism, persecutions, tyranny, individual less important. Fanaticism, cruelty, and intolerance as measured by inquisitions, persecutions, pogroms, massacres, and tortures, all state-promoted. If there's a cold period and sunspot cycle high during this period, civil wars are likely to occur.
Cold-Wet (fall) 2014-2050 Aggressive and independent, and promote revolution, civil war, and anarchy, individual gains importance, government and business become decentralized. Art becomes simpler, education is increasingly "mechanistic". Decadence, cruelty, slavery, slaughter The cold phases of the 100-year weather cycle are interrupted by a temperature rise during the sunspot maximum.


A decent recap of global warming etc. by Burt Rutan (note: 7 MB PowerPoint presentation with 33 pages)