Forecasts | ||
National Warnings | Interactive Weather Information Network | Medium Range Forecasts (3-7 days) |
Medium Range Forecasts (6-10 days) | Precipitation Probabilities - 12 hours | Precipitation Probabilities - 24 hours |
Medium Range Forecasts (8-14 days) | Long Range Forecasts (30 day) | Long Range Forecasts (90 day) |
Heat Index Outlook (6-10 days) | Long Range Seasonal Climate Anomalies | Hazards Assessment |
Very long term - Professor Wheeler | Global Drought monitor | National weather - home |
Solar conditions | ||
Current Solar Data (from NOAA) | Solar X-ray strength: | |
Current Solar Data (from spacecraft) | Geomagnetic field strength: | |
Sea Ice | ||
Global sea ice, 1979 to current | Sea ice - Total, Arctic & Antarctic | Daily sea ice |
Water | ||
California Snow Water Content | ||
Earthquakes | ||
Big quakes, worldwide | Real-time Forecast of Earthquakes (24 Hour - California) | Latest quakes - World |
Latest quakes - California & Nevada | Latest quakes - U.S. | World Seismic Monitor |
Hurricanes | ||
NOAA (National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration) | NOAA - Tropical areas | Tropical weather conditions |
Caribbean satellite image - visible | Caribbean satellite image - infrared | US tornadoes |
Sickness, epidemic, global incidents, US Radar |
Global Incident Map | Sickness, epidemic tracker | Disaster and Emergency AlertMap, worldwide and regional |
Weekly US Map: Influenza Summary Update | National Weather Service Enhanced Radar Image Loop |
3 day precipitation |
5 day precipitation |
8-14 day precipitation |
30 day precipitation |
Long range precipitation |
U.S. Drought Monitor |
Drought, seasonal outlook |
6-10 day temperature |
8-14 day temperature |
30 day temperature |
Long range temperature |
Long term solar activity |
Earthquake activity |
South America |
Space weather alerts & warnings. misc. |
Alerts timeline |
Warnings timeline |
Weather Modification Operations and Research Board, a U.S. law |
Weather type | Approx. period | Characteristics (relative, not absolute) | Aspects during transition into | Exceptions |
Cold-Dry (winter) | 1960-1975 | Great leaders, aggressive and independent,civil wars,anarchy, general individualism, more earthquakes & volcanoes. Increased storminess & birthrate, improved general health and mental vigor, migration tendency of the populace to rural areas, economic prosperity. Good international trade, and other forms of intercultural exchange. | ---- | The cold phases of the 100-year weather cycle are interrupted by a temperature rise during the sunspot maximum. |
Warm-Wet (spring) | 1978-2000 | Nationalism, wars, highest energy, low decadence, good prosperity, imperialism, individual less important. | Learning, genius, good crops, golden ages. | If there's a cold period and sunspot cycle high during this period, civil wars are likely to occur. |
Warm-Dry (summer) | 1996-2025 | Nationalism, wars, despotism, persecutions, tyranny, individual less important. | Fanaticism, cruelty, and intolerance as measured by inquisitions, persecutions, pogroms, massacres, and tortures, all state-promoted. | If there's a cold period and sunspot cycle high during this period, civil wars are likely to occur. |
Cold-Wet (fall) | 2014-2050 | Aggressive and independent, and promote revolution, civil war, and anarchy, individual gains importance, government and business become decentralized. Art becomes simpler, education is increasingly "mechanistic". | Decadence, cruelty, slavery, slaughter | The cold phases of the 100-year weather cycle are interrupted by a temperature rise during the sunspot maximum. |